Do you struggle with rodents like moles, armadillos, or groundhogs tearing up your lawn or garden? If you do, then let me introduce you to my product, Mole Pop’rs! Mole Pop’rs is an all natural, pet friendly, non-toxic rodent repellent that’s easy to use, and produces results within as little as a week. Mole Pop’rs not only repels rodents like Moles, Armadillos, and Groundhogs, but Voles, Gophers, Ground Squirrels, and Rabbits as well. Keep in mind, rodents can attract dangerous animals such as Snakes and Coyotes, which could be a threat to children, pets, and even yourself. Mole Pop’rs is your low cost, easy to use, environmentally friendly solution to common pests! Save your lawn or garden with Mole Pop’rs!

See more info below

Mole Pop'rs All natural, Pet friendly, Non-toxic Rodent Repellent

  • Safe for the environment

  • Moisture Activated

  • Easy to use

  • Made in the U.S.A.

  • Repels for up to 90 days

  • Over 1000 Square feet of coverage per bag

  • Results within a week

  • Affordable

  • All Natural

Mole Pop'rs Mole Repellent is easy and safe to use. This mole repellent features natural ingredients that are pre-mixed and molded into pellets. The Mole Pop'rs Mole Repellent is effective for up to 90 days (depending on amount of rain). Mole Pop'rs use all-natural ingredients to chase moles away. Simply pop the specially formulated pellets into the mole run at 2 to 3-ft intervals. Once activated by the moisture in the ground, the Mole Pop'rs Mole Repellent pellets release odors that make moles want to leave in a hurry! Effective for up to 90 days, the Mole Pop'rs also repel voles and gophers. You can also break the pellets apart and scatter in your garden to repel rabbits, ground squirrels, and armadillos. Mole Pop'rs Mole Repellent is non-toxic and won't harm wildlife, children, or pets.

About Molepop’rs

Mole Pop’rs was created in 2002 by a company called Speedstake, Inc. This company was founded by a man named James Speed, whose main goal was to provide people with an easy to use, low cost, environmentally friendly solution to common pests. Through years of testing and hard work, he was able to create the revolutionary yet simple product now known as Mole Pop’rs. Since his passing in 2017, being his grandson I decided to take over the family business and continue his legacy. My name is Gavin Ramey, new owner and producer of Mole Pop’rs. My main goal is the same as my grandfather’s, to provide people with an easy to use, low cost, environmentally friendly solution to common pests.

Grandma’s mole repellent is inventor’s little secret

James E. Speed didn’t like getting whipped by a tiny, ugly mole. How smart can a mole be any-way?

Well, it apparently was smart enough to evade every kind of repellent he put in its path, burrowing right through lawns and flower beds and leaving them as spongy and lumpy as a worn-out mattress.

Speed and his wife, Gail, needed to find a solution. They maintain about 30 yards in the Highlands area, and their customers depend on them. They tried several repellents, they said, but nothing worked. “Moles were making me look bad,” said Speed, who lives near Clayton, Ga.

So he set out to do something on his own. That was about five years ago. Today, he has a patent pending on a product called “Mole Pop’rs,” which are Georgia clay-colored stakes about the diameter of blackboard chalk.

The nontoxic stakes put moles on the run, Speed said, and also repel voles, gophers, armadillos and rabbits.

Testimonials from Highlands and elsewhere bear out the Inventor’s claim. Greens keepers at the Highlands Country Club are among the Believers.


Phil Hudgins

“I’ve tried these things on armadillos and moles, and they work on both,” said Charles Quirk of Cataula, Ga., about 60 miles west of Macon.

Two of Speed’s biggest supporters are Nancy and Cason J. Callaway Jr. of Highlands. (Callaway’s father, a textile manufacturer, founded Callaway Gardens in Georgia.) “They believed in me and helped me get this started,” Speed said.

If you ask about the ingredients in Pop’ers, you’ll get two-thirds of an answer.

“It’s 93 percent Georgia red clay,” Speed said, “and 5 percent castor oil, But the third ingredient [2 percent] is a secret.”

The secret ingredient he learned from his grandmother, Amanda Speed, when he was a boy.

She used the substance on pesky moles, and it worked. But Pop’rs work better, he said, because they’re inserted into the ground.

Some people were skeptical at first. “Are you a chemist?” asked a representative of one company considering buying the repellent.

“I’ve made a little liquor does that count?” said Speed, born and raised in remote Warwoman Community of Rabun County, Ga.

Far from moonshining these days, Speed, a deacon and Sunday school teacher, said God revealed to him a way to mold the ingredients together into a hard stake.

“God woke me up at 2:30 in the morning and told me, “Write this down and lay it over on your Bible,” Speed said. “I did and that was the solution.”

So now Speed is producing Mole Pop’rs at his home while Gates Nursery of Highlands does the distributing.

In the meantime, Speed is working on an applicator for the Mole Pop’rs and a product to repel fire ants.

“I didn’t get into this to make money,” he said. “I was working on this [mole repellent] for my own personal use. But if it makes a little money, fine.”

The moral: it pays to listen to your grandmother.